Our Target

Our target Is to:

  • To train and capacitate 200 youths in IT/ICT skills.
  • Advanced training of 75 local entrepreneurs in existing vocations.
  • Train 300 youths in English Skill Development programme.
  • Facilitate local procurement and storage of local products, provisioning market linkages.
  • In 3 years time set up TURA  Knowledge Processing Outsourcing Centre to provide client and professional services.
  • Train 50  youths in Digital Content, Services & Multi-media skills.
  • Train 75 young women in ICT skills – both basic and advanced training.
  • A comprehensive and content full TURA Community portal and connect it to every TURA public institutions, schools, and local administration. Focus to be on local tourism
  • Set up a Community Radio in TURA managed by the local community
    Introduce at least 5 SMS Communities within TURA catering to creating youth entrepreneurs and community networking and bonding
  • At least make 10 Schools in TURA to be digitized in terms of having its own web portal with entire school ecosystem in place and to be linked to the Gyanpedia programme.
  • Capacity building of 50 local NGOs in ICTs under eNGO programme.
  • TURA Local Area Wireless Networking.
  • TURA e-trade and commerce portal.
  • TURA Parliamentary Constituency portal.
  • TISC provisioning Governance Services facilitation centre catering to public.